5th Grade 
Perspective Art Gallery

Learning and successfully using the rules of linear perspective can be really tricky and frustrating!  Big kudos to my 5th grades for being patient and dedicated during this difficult unit.  
We used the rubric below to help plan and assess our completed galleries.

Perspective Gallery Project                                                  Name:_______________________Teacher:_______
Project Requirements
Complete and 
Best Craftsmanship
Compete but NOT Best Work
Incomplete and Needs Work
Straight Lines: All lines follow perspective rules and you used a ruler to draw the lines. 

Craftsmanship: No pencil lines. 
                          All lines traced in marker.

Art on Walls: 6 works of ART on the walls.
                        (2 master works/ 4 personal)

Ceiling:  Tiles and lights are drawn using perspective rules

Floors: Rug or wood planks

Coloring: Used color pencils.  Carefully blended (no scratchy or patchy marks).  Only “white space” are walls.

Practice Artist Statement:  Answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.
Why do we use Perspective Rules in Art?  Describe how you used perspective in your drawing.  Describe the art work that you chose to put in your gallery.  What are your final thoughts on this project?


They really worked hard and it shows!


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